الرب انتظركم على هذا الجبل

Giovanni Paolo II, 24/03/2000

من نحن

The Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary of Galilee, located on the top of the Mount of Beatitudes, was canonically erected on June 29th, 2009 by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Mons. Fouad Twal, in communion with the Greek Catholic Archbishop of Galilee Mons. Elias Chacour, and the Maronite Archbishop of Haifa and the Holy Land, Mons. Paul Nabil Sayah.

They welcomed with veneration the appeal of SS. Benedict XVI in his Apostolic Visit to the Holy Land (11-15 May 2009) for a new evangelization, as already recommended by Blessed John Paul II in his Apostolic Letter , 2.5.1995 “Orientale Lumen” n.3.

The Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary of Galilee is an educational community, in accordance with can. 115 par. 2 CIC and can. 922-923 CCEO, for the presbyteral formation of young men and adults who, being incardinated in the local church, make themselves available for the New Evangelization of countries in the Middle East and in the entire world, open to the area’s various liturgical rites: Latin, Bizantine, and Maronite.

The seminary’s Studium Theologicum Galilaeae (STG) was established in order to offer rigorous academic formation founded on philosophical and theological studies, inviting professors from abroad and from Jerusalem, as theological colleges are not to be found in Galilee. In 2011 the STG was granted affiliation to the School of Theology of the Pontifical Lateran University of Rome.